Bouncebacks! Medical and Legal, 13th Anniversary Ed.
“Remember that patient you saw last night?” A statement that strikes fear in the heart of the emergency physician, PA and NP. What happened? Am I going to be sued? What will the legal process look like? How will I survive it?
Bouncebacks! Medical and Legal, 13th Anniversary Ed. by Michael Weinstock, MD, Kevin Klauer, DO Marc Calvert, JD and leading national emergency medicine physicians and attorneys report on 16 emergency cases involving medical malpractice claims with actual documentation, as well as deposition and trial testimony. The chapters focus on how to spot the well-appearing patient who will soon be dead… then reveal how the legal process unfolds when an adverse outcome occurs.
Bouncebacks! Medical and Legal gives you exclusive access to the hidden world of medical malpractice with specific risk management/patient safety tips in each case, report of counsel, expert opinions, depositions, trial testimony, as well as 5 chapters focused on the legal process; how it works… and how to get through it. No other resource provides this degree of insight into the dark and scary world of medical malpractice by putting the reader in the footsteps of physicians during actual litigation… with the goal of improving patient safety and preventing lawsuits in the first place.
As one leading national emergency medicine physician said in a testimonial: “Read it or BE it! The Bouncebacks teaching method is a cornerstone of how Emergency Medicine should be taught!”
Price: $69.00 plus shipping.
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Bouncebacks! Critical Care
In this fourth book in the Bouncebacks! series, we employ a fresh approach by focusing on the bounceback visit, putting the reader in the footsteps of the clinician as the patient deteriorates. The story pauses at...
Emergency Medicine
Case-based for most effective learning and retention. Bouncebacks! helps emergency physicians sharpen their analytical skills to improve patient safety.
Pediatric Emergency Medicine
Bouncebacks! Pediatrics encompasses 28 cases of children who were seen in the emergency department, discharged and then "bounced back" with a different diagnosis, sometimes reversible, sometimes life-ending.
The Resident’s Guide to Ambulatory Care, 8th Ed.
With sales of more than 40,000 copies, The Resident’s Guide to Ambulatory Care continues to be the “go to” consult for the rapid diagnosis and management of conditions commonly encountered by residents in the ambulatory setting. In addition to being updated, The 8th Edition is restructured to deliver the information in the most effective way. A key addition is the new Adult Infectious Disease section, with a comprehensive chapter on Emerging Infectious Diseases. Within these pages are the most recent national guidelines on a host of conditions with up-to-date charts, tables, algorithms and web links to “living documents,” all arranged for rapid reference; our goal is to provide the information needed while you are walking down the hall to the patient’s room. The 8th Edition provides state of the art information on evaluation and management of common ambulatory conditions in a straightforward, concise, and focused format.